Long Overdue Blog

Every year since inception, the Coach in Zambia Foundation has had an annual dinner for the 12th graders after they complete their year end exams. Usually I have taken them out to a restaurant for this event, but in 2015, On October 24th, My wife passed away in a tragic accident leaving me with my twin 2 and half yr old boys. This incident occurred a week before the annual dinner which was scheduled on October 31st.

The tragedy, understandably, left me not wanting to leave the house. At the same time, I did not want to let the kids in my program down either even though they would have understood if I cancelled.  My mother, father and brothers were in Zambia with me because of the funeral and I explained the situation. We decided to invite the kids to the house and order pizzas for them. While for American’s or where ever you are reading this from, pizza is a normal thing, for these kids it was a delicacy of sorts. They deserved even more, but I was glad to know I was able to give them something they would enjoy. The cafeteria food they were used to was the same meal every night for years, so this change of diet even for 1 night had a a very small impact, but an impact nonetheless.

They ate, laughed and we talked. They shared their ambitions and goals and I gave them advice and held back tears telling them how proud of them I was. It was an emotional time for me already due to circumstances.  This class was the biggest group I had personally mentored and coached them from grade 10 through 12, 3 years and watched them grow up to be amazing young adults. I keep in touch with most of them still through a whatsapp group.

Below is a picture taken that night.  One of the Students, a great young lady named Margaret took the photo and edited it to the one below. It touched me to know she felt that way, and the sentiment was echoed by many of the other kids as well.


Even though I am currently not in Zambia right now, the program is still running with the help of some amazing volunteers. If you wish to donate(money , new or used sports equipment, electronics, laptops, phones, educational books, or anything at all) or volunteer please contact me at robert@redchemistry.com. If you can’t donate or volunteer, please follow the blog and share to help the cause. Thank you for reading.




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